Wednesday 1 April 2009

Oliver Semp - Typography Evaluation

1.    What skills have you developed throughout the module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?


When I first started this module my understanding of typography was very limited, being very naïve and found the whole concept very tiresome. I do feel throughout this module my understanding has greatened a considerable amount and my interest has also increased. I now understand typography through an analytical view e.g. shape, proportions, weigh and understanding the key characteristics of type.


Other things I feel I have learnt through this module are layout and packaging design. I feel as a graphic designer, understanding the processes that have to be considered when sending gate hold flyers and normal flyers, for example, to be printed, an understanding which will make u seem a lot more professional to the client and the printers. I was unaware the technicality that was needed when designing packaging, a process which I feel will really benefit me in the future.



2.    What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?


Throughout each session I saved every stage I went through throughout the sessions, so I could keep track of all the work I had produced. I have learnt to conquer my fears and not to let things out of my comfort zone baffle me.



3.     What weaknesses can you identify that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?


Due to certain circumstances at the beginning of the module I was unable to attend some of the sessions and due to this I was unable to complete some of the work at the time set. When I returned back and finding out what I had missed instead of catching up there and then I slowly kept putting it off which is something I now regret doing as I feel looking back if I had completed it at the time I would have learnt a great deal more from completing the task. Even though my understanding of type has greatened over the period of this module I still feel it is a great weakness of mine, analyzing type, so next time I would continuously analyze typography through my type journal, rather than collecting type and just sticking it in, and then going on to analyze it later. I do feel now that this is just laziness, and if I had continuously kept at it, I would have learnt a great deal more.



4.    Identify four things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?


·   The first thing I would do differently is if I miss a session for any reason and therefore miss out on some work, instead of putting it off until the end, I should keep up to date, and then when it comes to submission I will not be worrying to try and fill the gaps. Also from doing this I will learn a lot more from the set tasks.


·   I would print out and file all my work at the end of each session, keeping all my work organized, not only would this cause less stress at the end before submission, but it would keep an ongoing record of how I have developed over the module enabling me to self reflect, also reducing chances of forgetting about pieces of work I had actually completed but have just forgotten about or cant remember where I saved it to.


· I would keep an ongoing type journal allowing my self to gradually get better at understanding type and greaten my ability to analyze type. Something I will not do again is randomly stick things in to my type journal, and then go back at a later stage and analyze it, the reason being because I do feel now that this way I will not get the most out of the task set.


· I am going to carry on looking at type and greatening my understanding of it to a much higher level. I do feel that is all good and well as a graphic designer to understand all my other interests such as packaging, posters, flyers, advertising campaigns etc., but all these things contain type, so greatening my understanding of type to a greater level, I feel will only strengthen the design aspect I thoroughly enjoy doing.


5. How would you grade yourself on the following areas?

(Please indicate using the number corresponding to the words below)


 5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor


Attendance 4


Punctuality 4


Motivation 3 


Commitment 3


Quantity of work produced 4 


Quality of work produced 3

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